i've been thinking quite a lot for the past few days. i've been thinking about my future; you know, what i want to do and where i wish to go. sometimes i feel so jealous of the seniors at our school! they're done with everything including CAS and EE, and in just a few months time they will be graduating, and then stepping into a whole new dimension - heading to Uni and meeting new people. i wish i was at that stage - knowing I've been accepted into a college that actually wants me, looking foward to living alone and being independant and making new friends! but i have a feeling that when i do get to this stage, i would want time to turn back. right now i'm so eager to graduate, but i still have a long way to go. my to-do list just goes on forever; it feels like there's just so much to do and not enough time to do it. time is passing by too quickly; in a blink of an eye it'll be the end of my junior year; by the end of this year i would be done with college apps; and by February of next year, i will be turning 18.
maybe i should be appreciating my final years in high school instead of contemplating about the future. i don't really know.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
this is a must see if you're an IB victim.

for all you IB haters and procrastinators, the following website is a must-read!!!
check it out.
Here are some stuff from the website:
"You know you're in IB when ...You wonder if there's Cliff's Notes on the Calculus book." HAHAHA.
"The extended essay is a 4000 word demonic piece of writing, requiring the students to bullshit about their chosen topic."
Friday, March 13, 2009
ok i HAD to steal this from Honoka when she tagged me on Facebook.
Just know that in my life i never really wanted to be TOO Asian!
Do it if you are Asian.
(:If you are not, just do it anyways. :P
[x] Both of your parents are from Asia
[x] You were born in Asia
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[x] You think DDR is cool
[ ] You watch anime
[ ] You like Korean drama (but i like Taiwanese dramas)
[ ] You have stuff hanging on your phone (not anymore- this is a Japanese thing to do)
[ ] Your parents want you to marry within your own race
[x] You eat rice almost everyday
[x] You drink lemon tea (u don't have to be Asian to drink this?!)
X's so far: 5/10
[ ] You style your hair (i don't have to! it's straight already!)
[ ] You have a xanga/bebo/myspace/friendster
[x] You speak languages other than English
[x ] Your parents are strict compared to other REALLY asian parents
[x ] Your parents have high expectations of you.
[ x] You always get A's/B's on your report
[ x]You do Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Accounting
[x ]You know your multiplication table (T.T anyone who doesn't know should be in kindergarten! no offence that is)
[x] You play badminton or table tennis
[x] You've seen the asian version The ring/The grudge
X's so far: 13/20 (dear me. i don't think i'm doing well on the test so far)
[ ] You own an asian car
[x] You're not the only child (uh what does this have to do with being Asian or not T.T)
[ x] You've gotten little red envelopes around February
[ ] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwon do
[ ] If you're a girl, you prefer white guys over asian guys, or if you're a guy you prefer asian girls[x] Your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[ ] You can do the rubiks cube
[x] You have a box of noodles somewhere in your house
[ ] You play video games
X's so far: 17/30
[ x] Your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[x] You have asian songs on your computer/iPod
[x] You don't like football
[x] You have/had a curfew
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[ ] You know what purikura is
[x] You like bubble tea
[x ] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[ ] You've played final fantasy
[ ] You believe in fortune cookies
X's so far: 23/40
[x] Everytime you're going out your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home
[ ] You have karaoke at home (i wish.)
[x] You have have heard of BoA, Gazette, Ayumi Hamasaki, Gackt, Jay Chou, Twins, or DBSK
[ ] You've been to a LAN more than 3 times
[x] You have incense sticks/moth balls in your house (ahahahhahha this is a good one.)
[ ] You own a gaming console
[ x] You play a musical instrument
[x] You don't wear shoes in your house
[x] You can use chopsticks well
[x] You get nothing if you do well in school
X's so far: 30/50
[ ] You know what bok choy is
[ ] You've heard the song "Got rice?"
[x] You have/had a tutor
[ ] You've had pockys/yan yan before
[ x] When you seek for your mother's permission she replies "Ask your dad"
[x] You like to save things in case you need them later, even if you never use it.
[x ] You have tasted durian
[ ] You hope to be employed in something practical, like medicine, law, accounting, or engineering
[x ] You have eaten dog or snake
[ ] Everyone thinks you're at least a year younger than you actually are
X's so far: 35/60
[x] You call your adult family friends "Auntie" or "Uncle"
[ ] You have or have had a bowl cut
[ x] Your parents enjoy(ed) comparing you to their friends' kids
[ ] You eat everything with chopsticks
[ ] You hang/hung your clothes out to dry on a line attached to the window of your flat and the window across from yours
[ x] You are applying/applied to an ivy league college
[ ] Your parents or relatives have tried setting you up with someone
[ x] You eat for breakfast what is considered food unfit for breakfast
[ x] You scored higher on the math than you did on the verbal on the SAT
[ ] You always cheer for the Asian athlete on TV
X's so far: 40/70
[ ] You love shopping at Costco because everything's cheaper when buying in bulk, even if you don't need so much
[ x] You buy rice in 50lb sacks at least
[ ] You have had to wear hand-me-downs
[ ] You get two of the same thing but one is better because it's free
[ x] You fight for the bill because of face, even though you don't actually want to pay for such an expensive meal (omg so true hahaahhaah)
[ ] You make things yourself because it's cheaper, even though it takes more time
[ ] You own a huge butcher knife but it's actually called a "vegetable knife"
[x ] You own a lot of Tommy Hilfiger or Calvin Klein
[x] You can down cups of tea like water and not feel the caffeine effects because you're used to it[ ] You love hot pot
X's so far - 44/80
[x] You make your rice without butter, spices, or salts
[ ] Your parents are especially loud on the phone
[ x] You always take home the leftovers from a restaurant
[x ] You try to coerce others into taking the leftovers if you're eating with company
[ x] You give fruits as gifts
[ ] You will waste extra gas to find cheaper gas/other things
[ x] You are smaller in size compared to the Caucasian population
[ ] You have relatives in Canada
[ x] The number 8 is an extremely lucky and important number to you
[ x] The number 4 is an extremely unlucky number to you
X's so far - 51/90
[ x] Every big event revolves around food
[x ] You have gotten used to the smells of herbal medicines
[ ] You are stick thin and want to keep it that way
[ ] You try to save money on everything you buy
[ ] You eat a lot but it doesn't add much to your weight
[ x] You care a lot about staying in fashion with the rest of Asia
[ x] School is always the number one priority in your family
[ x] You care a lot about honor and saving face
[ x] Your parents expect you to do everything right
[x] You mix languages up constantly while thinking and speaking
X's total: 58/100
25 or lower - White Washed
26-30 - European/Canadian/AmericanBorn Asian
31-40 - Pure Asian
40-45 - FOB Washed Asian
45-50 - Pure FOBS
55 and up - Hopelessly FOBBY
Just know that in my life i never really wanted to be TOO Asian!
Do it if you are Asian.
(:If you are not, just do it anyways. :P
[x] Both of your parents are from Asia
[x] You were born in Asia
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[x] You think DDR is cool
[ ] You watch anime
[ ] You like Korean drama (but i like Taiwanese dramas)
[ ] You have stuff hanging on your phone (not anymore- this is a Japanese thing to do)
[ ] Your parents want you to marry within your own race
[x] You eat rice almost everyday
[x] You drink lemon tea (u don't have to be Asian to drink this?!)
X's so far: 5/10
[ ] You style your hair (i don't have to! it's straight already!)
[ ] You have a xanga/bebo/myspace/friendster
[x] You speak languages other than English
[x ] Your parents are strict compared to other REALLY asian parents
[x ] Your parents have high expectations of you.
[ x] You always get A's/B's on your report
[ x]You do Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Accounting
[x ]You know your multiplication table (T.T anyone who doesn't know should be in kindergarten! no offence that is)
[x] You play badminton or table tennis
[x] You've seen the asian version The ring/The grudge
X's so far: 13/20 (dear me. i don't think i'm doing well on the test so far)
[ ] You own an asian car
[x] You're not the only child (uh what does this have to do with being Asian or not T.T)
[ x] You've gotten little red envelopes around February
[ ] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwon do
[ ] If you're a girl, you prefer white guys over asian guys, or if you're a guy you prefer asian girls[x] Your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[ ] You can do the rubiks cube
[x] You have a box of noodles somewhere in your house
[ ] You play video games
X's so far: 17/30
[ x] Your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[x] You have asian songs on your computer/iPod
[x] You don't like football
[x] You have/had a curfew
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[ ] You know what purikura is
[x] You like bubble tea
[x ] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[ ] You've played final fantasy
[ ] You believe in fortune cookies
X's so far: 23/40
[x] Everytime you're going out your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home
[ ] You have karaoke at home (i wish.)
[x] You have have heard of BoA, Gazette, Ayumi Hamasaki, Gackt, Jay Chou, Twins, or DBSK
[ ] You've been to a LAN more than 3 times
[x] You have incense sticks/moth balls in your house (ahahahhahha this is a good one.)
[ ] You own a gaming console
[ x] You play a musical instrument
[x] You don't wear shoes in your house
[x] You can use chopsticks well
[x] You get nothing if you do well in school
X's so far: 30/50
[ ] You know what bok choy is
[ ] You've heard the song "Got rice?"
[x] You have/had a tutor
[ ] You've had pockys/yan yan before
[ x] When you seek for your mother's permission she replies "Ask your dad"
[x] You like to save things in case you need them later, even if you never use it.
[x ] You have tasted durian
[ ] You hope to be employed in something practical, like medicine, law, accounting, or engineering
[x ] You have eaten dog or snake
[ ] Everyone thinks you're at least a year younger than you actually are
X's so far: 35/60
[x] You call your adult family friends "Auntie" or "Uncle"
[ ] You have or have had a bowl cut
[ x] Your parents enjoy(ed) comparing you to their friends' kids
[ ] You eat everything with chopsticks
[ ] You hang/hung your clothes out to dry on a line attached to the window of your flat and the window across from yours
[ x] You are applying/applied to an ivy league college
[ ] Your parents or relatives have tried setting you up with someone
[ x] You eat for breakfast what is considered food unfit for breakfast
[ x] You scored higher on the math than you did on the verbal on the SAT
[ ] You always cheer for the Asian athlete on TV
X's so far: 40/70
[ ] You love shopping at Costco because everything's cheaper when buying in bulk, even if you don't need so much
[ x] You buy rice in 50lb sacks at least
[ ] You have had to wear hand-me-downs
[ ] You get two of the same thing but one is better because it's free
[ x] You fight for the bill because of face, even though you don't actually want to pay for such an expensive meal (omg so true hahaahhaah)
[ ] You make things yourself because it's cheaper, even though it takes more time
[ ] You own a huge butcher knife but it's actually called a "vegetable knife"
[x ] You own a lot of Tommy Hilfiger or Calvin Klein
[x] You can down cups of tea like water and not feel the caffeine effects because you're used to it[ ] You love hot pot
X's so far - 44/80
[x] You make your rice without butter, spices, or salts
[ ] Your parents are especially loud on the phone
[ x] You always take home the leftovers from a restaurant
[x ] You try to coerce others into taking the leftovers if you're eating with company
[ x] You give fruits as gifts
[ ] You will waste extra gas to find cheaper gas/other things
[ x] You are smaller in size compared to the Caucasian population
[ ] You have relatives in Canada
[ x] The number 8 is an extremely lucky and important number to you
[ x] The number 4 is an extremely unlucky number to you
X's so far - 51/90
[ x] Every big event revolves around food
[x ] You have gotten used to the smells of herbal medicines
[ ] You are stick thin and want to keep it that way
[ ] You try to save money on everything you buy
[ ] You eat a lot but it doesn't add much to your weight
[ x] You care a lot about staying in fashion with the rest of Asia
[ x] School is always the number one priority in your family
[ x] You care a lot about honor and saving face
[ x] Your parents expect you to do everything right
[x] You mix languages up constantly while thinking and speaking
X's total: 58/100
25 or lower - White Washed
26-30 - European/Canadian/AmericanBorn Asian
31-40 - Pure Asian
40-45 - FOB Washed Asian
45-50 - Pure FOBS
55 and up - Hopelessly FOBBY
Thursday, March 12, 2009
CC experience
i'm at SKY CC now - the place where EVERY, and i mean EVERY MKIS student comes.
i came only because i was following bff Zennie since he wanted to play for a while and then go for lunch. But when i came, in front of each and every computer sat an MKIS gamer. When they saw me, all of them had the same unanimous expression: "KY?!?!?! WHOAA. KY A GAMER?!!? NO WAY!"
Allan took a photo of me even. (with Counter Strike open on my screen- not that i was playing or anything).
And now i hear Tim behind me screaming "FUCK" incessantly.
Damn. I should come here more often. Get exposed to what guys REALLY do when they have nothing else to do in their lives.
i'm at SKY CC now - the place where EVERY, and i mean EVERY MKIS student comes.
i came only because i was following bff Zennie since he wanted to play for a while and then go for lunch. But when i came, in front of each and every computer sat an MKIS gamer. When they saw me, all of them had the same unanimous expression: "KY?!?!?! WHOAA. KY A GAMER?!!? NO WAY!"
Allan took a photo of me even. (with Counter Strike open on my screen- not that i was playing or anything).
And now i hear Tim behind me screaming "FUCK" incessantly.
Damn. I should come here more often. Get exposed to what guys REALLY do when they have nothing else to do in their lives.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
new re-do.
ho ho ho.
i got a new hair cut today. this morning i woke up and i felt like my hair was seriously a burden. for the past few months i felt like my hair just kept growing puffier and puffier. seriously. and it sucks that that's because my hair is curly in nature. so if i don't re-bond it, i'd look like a lion. no, i'm not kidding. it's been more than a year since i last re-bonded my hair; so for the past few months it grew longer and more puffy, so puffy that the only thing i could do to my hair was tie it up in a pony tail when i go to school. but that doesn't turn out nice either, since after tying it, all the short, curly new-born hair at the tip of my forehead would spring out, making my hair totally haywire. so anyway today i went to the salon and asked for a new re-do. the barbarer looked through my hair, and in the end said "there's only one solution for this puffiness. re-bond."
originally, i didn't want to re-bond my hair again since i've done it more than ten times in the past few years already (therefore explaining why i have so many split-ends). so when the barbarer told me the only solution was to re-bond it again, i was like.. .. T.T.
so then i suggested cutting it shorter (a little above shoulder length), and then re-bonding it.
and that was indeed what happened.
so now i look at myself in the mirror and i think "yuck". seriously.
this short-cut hair makes my face look even rounder. and i look like such a school girl nerd.
wtf T.T
i got a new hair cut today. this morning i woke up and i felt like my hair was seriously a burden. for the past few months i felt like my hair just kept growing puffier and puffier. seriously. and it sucks that that's because my hair is curly in nature. so if i don't re-bond it, i'd look like a lion. no, i'm not kidding. it's been more than a year since i last re-bonded my hair; so for the past few months it grew longer and more puffy, so puffy that the only thing i could do to my hair was tie it up in a pony tail when i go to school. but that doesn't turn out nice either, since after tying it, all the short, curly new-born hair at the tip of my forehead would spring out, making my hair totally haywire. so anyway today i went to the salon and asked for a new re-do. the barbarer looked through my hair, and in the end said "there's only one solution for this puffiness. re-bond."
originally, i didn't want to re-bond my hair again since i've done it more than ten times in the past few years already (therefore explaining why i have so many split-ends). so when the barbarer told me the only solution was to re-bond it again, i was like.. .. T.T.
so then i suggested cutting it shorter (a little above shoulder length), and then re-bonding it.
and that was indeed what happened.
so now i look at myself in the mirror and i think "yuck". seriously.
this short-cut hair makes my face look even rounder. and i look like such a school girl nerd.
wtf T.T
Monday, March 2, 2009
something to procrastinate.
i recently discovered five things.
1. I have a pimple outbreak (my face is SO oily for some goddamn reason)
2. WRIGLEY's Eclipse mints keep my attention span high. (something i desperately need nowadays; IB's pushing me down the drain.)
3. My new favorite song is You Found Me by The Fray. (dedicated to me by bff Zennie)
4. I gained 1 kg today. (wtf. i just started Varsity Badminton season with practices three times a week and i don't usually eat at school and i gain 1kg. Hokum.?!)
5. I must now attend to my pile of hw.
1. I have a pimple outbreak (my face is SO oily for some goddamn reason)
2. WRIGLEY's Eclipse mints keep my attention span high. (something i desperately need nowadays; IB's pushing me down the drain.)
3. My new favorite song is You Found Me by The Fray. (dedicated to me by bff Zennie)
4. I gained 1 kg today. (wtf. i just started Varsity Badminton season with practices three times a week and i don't usually eat at school and i gain 1kg. Hokum.?!)
5. I must now attend to my pile of hw.
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