here goes:

"she's locked. she has no where to go. Her head spins; she turns to the back, then to her right, front and back again. Sweat stream down her temples while the room resounds her frazzled breath. But only tears of agony and trepidation cascade down her cheeks as she rebels against the imminent walls that bellow back at her like menacing gargoyles."
you must be thinking this post is boring t.t well well. a few days ago, i successfully SNEAKED OUT OF THE HOUSE :D (it's a big deal because i wasn't allowed to go out since i was supposed to study for stupid SATs but okay it's not like this was the first time i did it but you know)
yes yes i went to see my dear bff Zennie work as a hot [that's what Zennie wanted me to say hahaha jk jk.] chocolate salesman! and omg SHAMIR [he joined us later] THE CHOCOLATE I BOUGHT IS STILL IN YOUR DRIVER'S CAR T.T YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GIVE EM BACK TO ME THE NEXT DAY WHEN WE MET. i hope they haven't melted t.t No i take that back; Shamir probably ate em already. T.T
dear me. everything about my facial features is wrong. even my hair - what puffiness.
this was at Chilies :D
hahahaha. Zennie. Stripping! [jk-ing kayyy]
his chocolate stand.
haha. [Shamir i didn't know you were that much taller than Zennie :O]
that's ittttttttt :D
ReplyDeleteeh...i still dont get the pict of the whim lol.
ahahah :D
ReplyDeleteoh oh!
the pic is like a girl locked up in her room.
u see the door?
haha i couldn't find any other
as close as this to represent my piece :(
DUDE! your writing is soooo good. Yeah, lol, when you have one of those moments its always good to just write it down before it goes away. I hate it when that happens. And wah, you sneaked out of house mei? And your brother lo? Didn't find out is it? :) haha, at least you CAN sneak out. XD lol, gz was working? And at a chocolate stand too! Omg, i would have so bought everything without him saying anything. LOL, and he would get paid more and pay me half cuz i bought all the chocolates. hahaaa
ReplyDeleteahahaha yea yea his mum's friend
ReplyDeleteneeded help with the choco stand so he got gz!
hahaha iknow i thought of u!
i was like "liyana would buy everything and
u can go home smiling since u sold everything" :D
haha thanks for zee compliments.
ur writing is superrrbbbb tooo!!! :)
hahaha my bro helped me out actually.
he said he'd help me tel my mum (in the event that she calls) that i'm sleeping haha
but in the end she never called la.
i feel guilty and i think i'l learn my lesson
when i actually get caught one day hahaha
thanks didooooooo
haha, if you do get caught like omg. Aww, KT did that? Wahh, like I said I'm still not used to that side of him, but he's okay. I just stay out his way and he stays out of mine.
ReplyDeleteCHOCOLATE mhhmmmmmm!
ReplyDeleteu ah :)
choco fan~