I love you, i hate you, i love you, i hate you . . . . . give me a flower with petals and I'll tell you the answer.
"this is my blog and is none of your business." - KY
stand up for yourself; no matter what others say (:
cherish your friends.
IB creates AND exacerbates depression.
"..so do black dudes" - Allan
I'm so proud of my World Lit paper [; (only because it's the first real IB assessment that's going to be graded by IB)
I love my bff [:
I love Chee and the MZ [:
"..and the negro race" - Allan
I'm Deputy Secretary General AND MYSPY Newspaper Head for next year's MYMUN Conference:)
Allan is looking at my screen. T.T
I'm taking the SAT Reasoning Test for the last time (yes baby) this Saturday. But omg how pressuring T.T I NEED MY 22OO. yeah as if i'm going to get that score :(
".. i'm pretty sure i would have gotten 2200 if i was black" - Allan
I discovered my penchant for journalism!
i will destroy ur face. - Allan
I loved my MYSPY Team!
(i wrote this during Math class with Allan bahah)