muahaha. this is my new desktop background :D hey i made it myself okay! oh i love Robert Hoffman. I can't stop watching Step Up 2. Just for him. Oh he overrules Lee Hom. And Chad Michael Murray. (the only two other guys i find attractive in the entertainment industry).
"for the first time, he sounded so distant on the phone. her mind wouldn't stop wondering whether it was because they hadn't spoken for two months, or whether it was genuinely because he was making an international call so it had to be short and terse. she kept fighting back the awful assumption that it was because he had fallen for someone else - not that it would matter to her. she tried occupying herself with some homework, but instead she found herself reading his old emails - those that were full of love, color, rainbows and unicorns; those that never truly existed or ceased to come back. but the more she read, the more restless she grew. she felt her body pull and her muscles tense; suddenly there was a roaring wave beneath her heart that battled to escape, and when it did, she was determined to do to whatever it takes to find out who this new girl was."
Right now i'm writing from Syracuse, NY, @ Sheraton Hotel. I love how most hotels at NY (i guess probably the States in general) provide free internet access. So for the past few days i've been touring Universities. I feel so sick now. I arrived at NYC, but i haven't actually toured NYC yet. After our arrival, we drove to Boston the next day. Truth be told, Boston wasn't that much of a shopping city. It's like one of those cities've been here once and you just wouldn't mind not coming back the second time. Or maybe it's just me, haha. Then again, as of now Paris is the only city i'd love to live in. Anyway, the city was still great! Weather is awesome - very cool, with slight wind breezes every now and then. I didn't buy much, haha. Okay that's because things were just too expensive. I swear, you look at the price tags and you'd think if that was in Ringgit it would be reasonable; but it's in US dollars. Like a burger set at McDonalds would cost 10 US Dollars. That's like RM40!!!!!. Anyway haha that's not a surprise.
I've bought a lot of stuff though. Well, more like, merchandises from University stores. YES i went to Harvard college ('s not as 'prestigious' as it looks on websites). I also bought a sweater from Brown's University bookstore. haha. Okay, if i quit the U talk..i did buy short shorts with Boston written on the back. I bought a few other stationaries and tops at Taiwan as well (we had to stay one night at Taipei to take a transit flight the day after to NY). If rainbows and the supposed pot of gold at its end ever existed, i'd walk over one and grab as much $ as i can; then i'll fly back to Taipei's night markets and buy the entire market. hahahaha.
okay okay. i have a lot more to say but unfortunately i have 15 minutes left on this computer. (yeah there's free internet but you have limited time) what a bugger huh.
it hasn't quite hit me yet; you know, the whole end of a school year thing. it's not like i'm graduating high school, but i do feel the need to celebrate the end of my junior year. it does mark the end of one year of IB. that's an achievement that needs to be commended! i don't really want to look ahead, because i don't really want to face that daunting summer to-do list; at least not at the moment. for now i just want to enjoy the freedom i've earned, and the the joy that will hit me soon enough so that summer will be as content as i want it to be. summer's about the beach, the city, the glams and of course the gossip and the flings! fortunately i will be exposed to the summer heat, gossip and above all the summer skyline when i walk down the city of lights, glam, alcohol and money..yeah baby - New York City. okay i admit i'm going to the States partly because i will be looking at Colleges (i'm driving from NYC > Boston > Rochester > back to NYC). But anyway that doesn't mean i won't be using the city to my advantage; give me some more money and i promise i'll get everybody souvenirs from NYC! ;]
junior year. was quite like a cliche. there were those inevitable ups and downs, tears and yells, and not to forget, depressions and pms-es. beauty sleeps gradually disappeared, and mornings became our enemies. friends grew apart, but some grew closer. we juniors are a small group, but we've relied on each other through our first year of IB. from the IB retreat to Malaysian Studies, and then to our first Prom night. this journey wasn't easy. there were many times when i felt like giving up, backing out of IB. there were times when things just weren't going the right way, and i needed to rehink where i was heading, or if i was heading anywhere at all.
decisions were made, but many regretted. sometimes you can be so preoccupied with yourself that you forget the most important people in your life; you forget your friends. i want to tell all of you that i will always remember those warm hugs, big smiles and continuous encouragement you have all given me. in all the darkness and gloom that surrounded me, you were the ones who brightened my day; you were the color pencils that brightened and sweetened my life.
amidst all the hard work, we did manage to pull off a few rendez-vous and gatherings: summer bbq party at Zennie's, my birthday outing, girly sleepovers, Laundry's mocktails, Sunway's ice and lagoon, beer with the Koreans, Ishida's visits...etc.
in the end we pulled through all of it, so let's not give up. for now let the work pile up on the farthest side of our working tables. grab a paper, and make a to-do list for summer - one that's NOT work or ib-related. :)