Saturday, February 7, 2009

in depression.

i wake up this morning and suddenly i feel so exhausted.
i'm so tired of school, i'm so tired of love [in general]; i'm so tired of my life. i'm tired of having to wake up in the mornings, i'm tired of organizing this and that event in school, and needless to say, i'm tired of working/studying/doing homework over the weekend. my birthday is coming up in just two days, but i don't feel the spirit. which is unusual because i'm the type who likes parties, especially on my birthday. i can't concentrate in class, and i'm distracted more than i usually am. the sad thing is, i don't know why this is.


  1. aw, cheer up, kuan yu. it gets the best of us. ib does funny things to your brain and makes you exhausted all around. it gets better during the last semester of senior year, i promise! =) smile!

  2. ahhh thank youuu :)
    i actually feel so much better now haha :)

  3. lol take a day off. like do no work AT ALL nd by the next 2hrs ull get worried n feel urged to do ur work again. :D well not me though.

    by kurumi on her 6day holiday :P

  4. ISHIDA.
    haha thans thanks i feel better.

    dude. iSTILL haven't read ur letter.

  5. *HUG*

    I agree with Syamira! :] It's all good in the end, really.
